Here we are in the church

Originally called, ‘Here we are in the world’. Originally written for the Uniting Church of Australia 2000 Assembly.  Rewritten in 2017 for the 40th Anniversary of the Uniting Church of Australia.

Here we are in the church – melody, lyrics and chords

  1. Here we are in the Church, we’re the hands of the one who lives;

We’re the love of the one who gives his life each day.

We’re the body of Christ and we witness to his name.

Broken people in community,

Every foible plain enough to see;

God, we carry your flame,

Send us inward for change;

Let your justice and love remain.


  1. Here we are in the world in the heart of another day,

As we dream of another way with Jesus Christ.

We are many and one, in our proud diversity.

‘Though the dark comes as a stowaway,

Still the stable light won’t fade away.

Send us outward we pray

Walk beside and stay,

Tender, Jesus, come walk our way.


  1. Here we are in this land, with its roots in the Dreamtime,

And with Jesus, our paradigm, where we might love.

Here we are in this place, full of tears and mystery;

Pray renewal, which is still our need,

And confessing with fresh words and deeds;

Welcome pilgrims by sea,

Bring the hurting release,

Be the hands that will serve their need.